Alabama Soybean & Corn Association


Alabama Soybean and Corn Association

2023 Resolutions




  1. We believe bio fuels are the fuels of the future, and we encourage local, state and federal legislation to support tax incentives and credits for its use. We strongly urge all fleets, both public and private to use bio fuels. We further encourage all farmers to use and promote these fuels.


  1. We support Renewable Fuel Standards (RFS) that reflect the expanding renewable fuels industry for bio diesel and ethanol.


3     We support high octane “fuels of tomorrow” that recognize the role of corn based ethanol in obtaining octane levels and reducing emissions.




  1. We support free and fair trade, both imports and exports. Prices should be determined by free market forces. We strongly oppose government intervention in the market except in the case of declared national emergency or declaration of war.


  1. We support domestic and international market development programs conducted by state check-off boards, The American Soybean Association, the National Corn Growers Association, the United Soybean Board, the United States Soybean Export Council, the United States Grains Council and the World Initiative for Soy in Human Health.


  1. We support increased funding for MAP and FMD programs.


  1. We thank the Congress for passage of the U. S. – Mexico – Canada Agreement.


  1. We encourage the Administration to pursue a comprehensive trade pact with China.


Conservation & Policy


  1. We support policies that encourage a strong and vibrant domestic livestock industry. We support the U. S. Farm and Ranch Alliance to inform and educate the public about the importance of agriculture.


  1. We recommend and encourage all farmers to practice the appropriate safety measures in the use of and container disposal of crop protection products. We support educating the public on the importance of crop protection and bio-tech products in producing a safe and abundant food supply for an ever expanding world population.


  1. We oppose any attempt by EPA to regulate crop protection products as a non-point source of pollution.


  1. We oppose removal of the word, navigable from The Clean Water Act. We oppose any further restrictions or regulation by the Biden Administration.


  1. We urge all farmers to implement sound conservation practices to maintain and improve soil and water quality.


  1. We support a strong “Right to Farm Law”.


  1. We support suspending the International Indirect Land Use Change penalties on corn ethanol and soy diesel until a scientifically based, transparent, reliable and verifiable metric is created to determine the lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions of all fuels in the U. S. marketplace.


  1. We encourage the 118th Congress and administration to pass a bipartition farm bill in a timely manner.  We encourage the USDA to work quickly to implement the bill following the intent of congress.


  1. We support an amendment to the Endangered Species Act to streamline the interagency consultation process for pesticide registrations under FIFRA and the ESA.


  1. Responsibility for an isolation barrier should remain with a producer of the specialty commodity rather than being placed upon conventional crops surrounding the specialty producer.


Research and Education


  1. We support continued funding of Auburn University and the Alabama Cooperative Extension Service and we urge ACES to continue research and educational programs designed to assist and promote commercial agriculture.




  1. We support the Aflatoxin Mitigation Center of Excellence.


  1. We support the implementation of a nation-wide one test result strategy for aflatoxin to determine marketability and crop insurance reimbursement.


  1. Support the use of “clay binders” and other technologies, if created, for mycotoxin suppression in feed in all states.


Crop Insurance


  1. We support crop insurance products and programs that are fair and equitable to all producers, taking into account regional and cropping differences.




  1. The Alabama Soybean and Corn Association will continue to work with all state and national farm organizations for the benefit of agricultural producers. We will collaborate closely with ASA, NCGA, ALFA and USB as well as others when appropriate.


  1. Recognizing the importance of a unified voice to the profitably of agricultural producers, we urge all corn and soybean farmers to become active members of the Alabama Soybean and Corn Association.


  1. We support the National Bio-diesel Board. 




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